新入生 (中1)オリエンテーション (Part 2)
2・3年生の先輩方との対面式。新入生は緊張していましたが、温かい応援の言葉に癒されました。In the morning, we were welcomed to the school by the 2nd and 3rd Grade students. Although the new students were nervous, we were comforted by their warm words of support.
昼休みの後、1年後の自分に向けた面白い作文を書きました。最後に、全員がアートとミニスピーチで自己紹介を行いました。 彼らは良い雰囲気の中でお互いをよりよく知ることができました。After lunch, the students wrote an interesting essay to themselves a year from now. Finally, everyone introduced themselves through art and a mini-speech. They were able to do it in a good atmosphere and got to know each other better.